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THE CW Story

Hi there! If we've never met in person, this online bio will have to do for now. I'm Michelle, a lifelong PNW native and obviously, a devout sauna enthusiast. I experienced my first thermal cycle about 6 years ago and thought 'why isn't this everywhere!?' After fighting Portland traffic to have access to a sauna and cold plunge, I decided I should just build my own spa. Then I became a spa junkie traveling all over the place visiting hot springs and commercial spas. 


In the fall of 2021, I decided to open my backyard to the public and see if anyone would come.  Guess what?! They did! We quickly grew from a small little spa that could fit 6 people to now (Summer 2024) We can have up to 20! We make changes and grow pretty much every single month and it's been a fun and rewarding journey. Our amazing staff and members are what makes us so rad. 


From what our guests have told us this little oasis is a welcome escape for them. Our community is made up of awesome people and we hope you'll come join us.


4301 NE 59th Ave

Vancouver, WA 98661


(360) 600-2837


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