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Frequently asked questions

We get it! This might be new to you! With anything new there is a level of uncertainty and apprehension. We hope answering some of these questions will help you gain confidence to visit us!

Can you give me more info on the naturist spa days?

In the past we have offered clothing optional sessions for our naturist friends, at this time we have put a pause to this option as we construct a more private area where we can be more consistent with the scheduling of these sessions. Thank you for understanding!

What should I bring?

Please bring 2 towels (one for the spa and one for your shower) and a water bottle. We have some extra towels in emergency situations but to keep costs down we ask you provide your own.  Some of our guests love to bring things that would make their session more comfortable. A robe, a book, slip on shoes, a blanket in the summer to lay in the grass, a protein bar.... We are pretty open! Just don't bring any drugs or alcohol. 


Do you have any rules?

  • You must do a rinse before entering any cold plunges and a shower with soap before entering the hot tub. It helps keep our water clean :)

  • In order to keep this a peaceful sanctuary we ask that you don't bring any alcohol or recreational drugs.

  • Light snacks are allowed during community soaks.

    • If you want to bring a larger group spread, please get in touch with the staff for approval. 

  • Refrain from extreme PDA (public displays of affection, save that for when you get home!)

  • Quiet conversation is totally encouraged, loud and boisterous people might be asked to quiet down. 

  • Silent sauna guessed it, silent :)

  • Listen to your body, if you are getting overheated please respond appropriately.

  • HAVE FUN! Meet new people, relax and get yourself healed.

  • You will have to sign a liability waiver before you are able to use the facilities.



What will my first visit be like? 

On your first visit please press the ring camera at the entrance so we can give you a tour of the space, show you how to operate the space, and answer any questions. We want to make sure you feel welcome and comfortable in the space! Once you have been here a few times your session will be more hands off and you'll hopefully treat this as your home away from home!​




What exactly is a Thermal Cycle and how do I do it?

The simplified version... Thermal cycle is the process of heating your body up and then rapidly cooling it down. This extreme change in temperature is like a workout for all your internal organs and blood vessels. Your body adapts to the heat and the cold in an amazing way. Usually customers will feel a sense of calm and peace after their first cold plunge. Some even call it a euphoric feeling.  We recommend you do 2-3 cycles. It's different for everyone, for us, we usually take 20-30 minutes to warm up in the sauna, then a 90 second cold plunge. We repeat this 3 times. The cold plunge gets easier after the first cycle, we promise!


Do I have to do a cold plunge?

YES! Ha, just teasing. We have many cold plunges to chose from including The Odin Ice Bath.

If you are not ready yet we totally get it.  The sauna and soaking flume can be somewhat intense and really limit the amount of time you can spend relaxing. When you add the cold plunge to the process it brings your core temperature down and it's when the magic happens. We try to stay in the cold plunge for a good 90 seconds! But even 10 seconds is a success! We recommend you just go for it, tell your mind you're going to do it and do it.  The first 15 seconds are the worst and the most shocking, but after that you maintain a sense of calm and clarity that is pretty spectacular.


Is there an age limit?

At this time, the facility is for our guests who are 18 and over. If you have children over 13 and think they'd enjoy this with you, please talk to us! Our kids love to do it with us but we also want to keep that chill relaxing vibe and sometimes kids don't help with that.

Do you offer any discounts?

We offer a significant discount to first responders and veterans on all single soaking sessions, please email us for coupon code!


Have more questions?

Shoot us a text, give us a call or send us an email. We are always looking for ways to improve and we want to make sure all your questions are answered. If you have any ideas or concerns we want to hear them!

360-600-2837 Connect Wellness Staff


4301 NE 59th Ave

Vancouver, WA 98661


(360) 600-2837


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