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Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

  • Once a week member

    Every month
    4 spa sessions per month
    • Access to special Members only hours
    • Flexibility to use sessions throughout month
    • Cancel anytime
  • Unlimited Waitlist

    Unlimited Membership- WAITLIST only.
    Free Plan
    • First come, first served waitlist for Unlimited Memberships
    • Unlimited Membership- 6 month minimum commitment.
  • Annual Membership

    Every year
    1 year of Unlimited Membership!
    • Unlimited spa sessions per month
    • Bring a favorite person as a guest once a month
  • 5 pack of Spa Sessions

    5 pack of community spa sessions
    Valid for one year
    • 5 community spa sessions
    • 1 year expiration
    • Non-transferable
  • 10 Pack of Spa Sessions

    10 pack of community spa sessions
    Valid for 2 years
    • 10 community spa sessions
    • 2 year expiration
    • Non-transferable
  • 15 pack of Spa Sessions

    15 pack of community spa sessions
    Valid for 2 years
    • 15 community spa sessions
    • 2 year expiration
    • Non-transferable
  • 20 pack of Spa Sessions

    20 pack of community spa sessions
    Valid for 3 years
    • 20 community spa sessions
    • 3 year expiration
    • Non-transferable

Your home away from home...


Mental Health

Studies show that  hydrotherapy triggers your sympathetic nervous system to elevate beta-endorphin and noradrenaline, the feel good hormanes! Doing this on the regular increases your resilience to stress. It helps you achieve mental clarity, improved energy and promotes deeper sleep.


physical Health

Experts tout that a regular thermal cycle process helps with...


Stimulating the immune system

Removing toxins and whole body inflammation

Activating brown fat (good fat that increases metabolic rate)

Improving your blood circulation which in turn lessons overall body aches and pains

Triggering deeper breathing and healthier overall oxygen levels.

Drastically reducing uric acid levels

Stimulating the vagus nerve

Promoting lymphatic drainage





Spiritual Health

Our lives are fast paced with a long to do list and we often don't find time to slow down. Time to reflect. Time to dream big. Time to go deep into prayer or meditation. Time to just pause.  Perhaps this is my favorite part of this practice. The intentional time set aside to just breathe and be present.  


You can call it spiritual health or emotional health. At any rate it might be the answer you are looking for to bring some mental calmness!  




4301 NE 59th Ave

Vancouver, WA 98661


(360) 600-2837


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